I was at a low point in my life when I joined Toastmasters International. I had heard of the organization before and knew it provided a venue to improve your speaking skills. It exceeded my expectations. My communication skills improved but more important, my confidence soared.
Toastmasters, in case you have not heard of it, is a large and distinguished 84-year old organization. From its website, I quote:
From a humble beginning in 1924 at the YMCA in Santa Ana, California, Toastmasters International has grown to become a world leader in helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. The nonprofit organization now has nearly 235,000 members in 11,700 clubs in 92 countries, offering a proven – and enjoyable! – way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.
Most Toastmasters meetings are comprised of approximately 20 people who meet weekly for an hour or two. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or grammarian.
There is no instructor; instead, each speech and meeting is critiqued by a member in a positive manner, focusing on what was done right and what could be improved.
Good communicators tend to be good leaders. Some well-known Toastmasters alumni include:
- Peter Coors of Coors Brewing Company
- Debbi Fields, founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies
- Tom Peters, management expert and author
- Linda Lingle, Governor of Hawaii
You might have heard that in the list of top ten fears, public speaking ranks higher than death itself! In one list, fear of public speaking occupies the third position, only after fear of failure and fear of rejection. Toastmasters will help you conquer that fear. You might have also heard that you get back what you put into it. This is especially true for this club. Alas, many members start but only about 25% remain active enough to finish the beginner’s program.
A neophyte is given a goal when s/he joins. The goal is to become a Certified ToastMaster (CTM). The certification was renamed several years and is now known as Certified Communicator. A second initial goal is to become a Competent Leader (CL). Click here to read about these two tracks of the educational program. Incidentally, one of the skills you will learn in addition to speaking well is listening. Active listening is rarely practiced but it is an important aspect of communication.
Stop and think about your formal education. How many years were you taught how to write? How many years were you taught to speak? How many minutes were you taught how to listen? If you’re similar to 99% of us, your answer to the last question will be nil. Active listening requires one to shut down all the other conversations going through one’s mind while communicating with other people. Once you learn how to listen actively, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the natural improvement of your communication skills.Membership dues are very affordable. Toastmasters is a non-profit organization. The dues vary slightly from club to club but it hovers around $75 to $80 for one year! That is only about $6.50 a month. Clubs typically meet on a weekly or biweekly basis. At each meeting, the more experienced members assume various roles. The more active roles are that of the Toastmaster for the meeting, the Assistant Toastmaster, the Evaluators, the Timer, and the Grammarian.
It takes ten timed speeches spaced over many months that are delivered before the group to earn your CTM. It takes several leadership positions in Toastmaster events to earn your CL.In addition to the usual club activities, the district that your club belongs to, holds speech contests. Toastmaster’s hierarchy in ascending order starts with the:
The format works because the speaker—the person who joined specifically to overcome his/her fear of public speaking—will speak in front of a sympathetic audience. Nobody will ridicule you. And you will have an attentive audience. Every speech is evaluated—in writing and in a speech. Written evaluations are submitted by everyone present at the meeting (even guests are usually invited to evaluate). The spoken evaluations take the form of a speech given by the official Evaluator. To recap, you give your speech, everyone fills in a written evaluation that you receive before the meeting ends, and another member, your official Evaluator, will stand up and evaluate your speech in his or her own speech!
- Club
- Area
- District
- Region
- World
I belonged to a club called “People Into Public Speaking.” We met (and they still do) every Monday lunchtime at the world headquarters of McDonald’s Corporation in Oak Brook, Illinois. Our club belonged to Area-5. The area, in turn, was a part of the Chicagoland district. We belonged to a region that encompassed four or five states.
There are district-level contests and world-champion contests. Yes, there is a world champion every year. I am proud to say that the 2005-06 world champion of public speaking, Ed Hearn, came from the Chicagoland district! And he won it on his first attempt! The current world champion is the first woman, a black woman, to win the crown. Many world champions become professional speakers or coaches and easily earn six figures.
The 75th president of the parent organization, Toastmasters International, from 2006 to 07 is a Filipino, the first Asian, to hold that distinguished post.
Here are several sites that discuss Toastmasters.
This posting turned into a ringing endorsement of Toastmasters even though it was not my intention! Well, it represents my feeling about the organization. I was active for three years, from 2002 to 2005, and earned my CTM and CL. I definitely plan to rejoin it in the future.
It is great fun and it is a self-improvement commitment as well. I urge you to consider it as well.